Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW on breakthroughs in science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation

Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW on breakthroughs in science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation

Hanoi, Vietnam – Developing science, technology, innovation and digital transformation are decisive factors for the development of nations. They are prerequisites and the best opportunities for nations to develop richly and powerfully in the new era – the era of each nation’s rise. In recent times, the Vietnamese Party and State have had many policies and strategies to promote the application and development of science and technology, promote innovation and digital transformation, proactively and actively participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and achieve many important results.

On 22 December 2024, the Politburo of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam issued Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW of 2024 (“Resolution 57”) on breakthroughs in science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation. Pursuant to Section 1 of Resolution 57, the guiding viewpoints are as follows:

  1. Developing science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation is the top important breakthrough, the main driving force to rapidly develop modern productive forces, perfect production relations, innovate national governance methods, develop the socio-economy, prevent the risk of falling behind, and bring the country to breakthrough development and prosperity in the new era.
  1. Strengthening the comprehensive leadership of the Party, promoting the combined strength of the entire political system, the active participation of entrepreneurs, enterprises and the People in developing science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation are identified as a profound and comprehensive revolution in all fields; implemented drastically, persistently, synchronously, consistently and long-term with breakthrough and revolutionary solutions. People and businesses are the center, the main subject, resource, and driving force; scientists are the key factor; the State plays the leading, promoting, and creating the most favorable conditions for the development of science, technology, innovation, and national digital transformation.
  1. Institutions, human resources, infrastructure, data, and strategic technology are the key and core contents, in which institutions are the prerequisite, need to be perfected and go one step ahead. Innovating the thinking of building laws to ensure management requirements and encourage innovation, eliminating the mindset of “if you can’t manage, then ban”. Focusing on ensuring high-quality human resources for the development of science, technology, innovation, and national digital transformation; put forward special mechanisms and policies on talent. Developing infrastructure, especially digital infrastructure and digital technology on the principle of “modernity, synchronization, security, safety, efficiency, and avoiding waste”; enrich, exploit the full potential of data, turn data into the main means of production, promote the rapid development of big databases, data industry, data economy.
  1. Developing rapidly and sustainably, gradually become self-reliant in technology, especially strategic technology; prioritize national resources for investment in science and technology development, innovation and digital transformation. Maximizing Vietnam’s potential and intelligence in association with quickly absorbing, mastering and applying the world’s advanced scientific and technological achievements; promoting applied research, focusing on basic research, moving towards self-reliant and competitive technology in a number of areas where Vietnam has demand, potential and advantages.
  1. Ensuring national sovereignty in cyberspace; ensuring network security, data security, and information security of organizations and individuals is a continuous and inseparable requirement in the process of developing science, technology, innovation, and national digital transformation.

In line with the above, the following tasks and solutions have been put forward:

  1. Raising awareness, making breakthroughs in innovation of thinking, determining strong political determination, resolutely lead and direct, creating new momentum, new spirit in the whole society for the development of science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation.
  1. Urgently and resolutely perfecting institutions; eliminating all thoughts, concepts, and barriers that are hindering development; turning institutions into a competitive advantage in the development of science, technology, innovation and digital transformation.
  1. Increasing investment, perfecting infrastructure for science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation.
  1. Developing and promoting high-quality human resources and talents to meet the requirements of science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation.
  1. Promoting digital transformation, application of science, technology, innovation in the activities of agencies in the political system; improving the effectiveness of national governance, the effectiveness of state management in all fields, and ensuring national defense and security.
  1. Strongly promoting science, technology, innovation and digital transformation activities in enterprises.
  1. Strengthening international cooperation in the development of science, technology, innovation and digital transformation.

In a nutshell, for Vietnamese leaders, Resolution 57 marks a breakthrough in the Party’s thinking in finding a development direction for the country. For intellectuals and scientists, Resolution 57 is like a new breath of life, a “contract 10” for the journey of developing science, technology, innovation, and digital transformation in Vietnam. At the same time, it meets the expectations for many contents that demonstrate a strategic, comprehensive, inclusive, specific, and substantive approach, exuding the spirit of being for the people and for the country’s development aspirations. The fact that for the first time the General Secretary – the head of the Vietnamese Party – is the Head of the Steering Committee for a Resolution on science, technology, innovation, and digital transformation shows a special vision and political commitment to this Resolution.


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