In a New Light of Circular No. 44/2023/TT-BTC dated 29 June 2023 by the Minister of Finance

In a New Light of Circular No. 44/2023/TT-BTC dated 29 June 2023 by the Minister of Finance

Hanoi, Vietnam – Implementing the Government’s Resolution No. 50/NQ-CP dated 8 April 2023 on the Government Conference with localities and the regular Government Meeting in March 2023, the direction of the Deputy Prime Minister in Official Letter No. 2614/VPCP-KTTH dated 17 April 2023 on the plan of tax, fee and fee exemption and reduction for the year 2023, on 29 June 2023, the Minister of Finance promulgated Circular No. 44/2023/TT-BTC stipulating the collection rate of a number of fees and charges to support people and businesses (“Circular No. 44/2023/TT-BTC”). By way of Notice No. 2592/TB-SHTT dated 30 June 2023, the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (IP Vietnam) has accordingly provided the following guidelines in line with Circular No. 44/2023/TT-BTC:

  1. The procedures related to applications for registration of industrial property subject matters received by IP Vietnam from 1 July 2023 thru 31 December 2023 and the procedures in the process of handling industrial property applications previously received with a notice on fee payment issued by IP Vietnam from 1 July 2023 thru 31 December 2023 will be entitled to a 50% reduction in industrial property fees specified in Section A of the Schedule of industrial property fees and charges promulgated together with the Minister of Finance’s Circular No. 263/2016/TT-BTC dated 14 November 2016 stipulating the collection rates and the regimes for payment, management and use of industrial property fees and charges.
  2. For the cases where a notice on fee payment was issued by IP Vietnam before 1 July 2023, the fee payment shall comply with the rate set in such a notice.

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